

This document gives a short overview of the upcoming changes to the release of wemalo v.2.4.1. The update will be rolled out starting 23.3.2021, 20:00-23:00 MEZ. The process of wemalo could be interrupted in that given timespan. External Shop-Orders and REST calls will be sequentially loaded again after release of new version.



Wemalo Backend Core

WEMALO-3083 Update to Password forced process to be changed after autogenerated credentials

WEMALO-3327 duplicate stock delivery in book API

WEMALO-3330 Disable explicit handover of blockpacked orders 

WEMALO-3121 adding Multiple Product by comparison product between shop and wemalo

WEMALO-3325 Provide matchId and profileId of dispatcher profile in REST

endpoint api-GoodsOrder-getProfiles

WEMALO-3262 Always print Export Documents if existing

WEMALO-3364 Always print Export Documents optional on customer config

WEMALO-3348 Remove username from logging in chatbot notification

WEMALO-3358 Store shipmentprice of every order in wemalo for customs tax declaration

WEMALO-3197 Enhancement 20: Update API endpoint getSentpackages to

include all serialNumber data

WEMALO-3370 Prevent orders with special characters will be sent to the creation process

WEMALO-3401 Calling wemalo-ship from backend for validating address for DHL dispatchers


Wemalo Frontend

WEMALO-3083 Password forced to be changed after autogenerated


WEMALO-3301 Change customerOrderNumber field from optional to required

in adding new delivery

WEMALO-3305 Loading goodsOrder data by customerOrderNumber in

returnShipment page does not work properly

WEMALO-3364 Always print Export Documents optional on customer config

WEMALO-3402 Showing partial-address reason that received from DHL if address not valid



WEMALO-3210 removing local file creation dependency



WEMALO-3340 Validating and removing special characters

WEMALO-3222 removing local barcode png creation



WEMALO-3315 implement address check function and calling DHL validation API


Billbee Connector

WEMALO-3319 Last page of Billbee product not imported

WEMALO-3362 Billbee additional address and company name not imported to



Weclapp Connector

WEMALO-3283 Changing parameters of bookIncomingMovement for weclapp and

adding batchNumber

WEMALO-3347 Initial Import. Add Product group default if not set in weclapp

WEMALO-3351 Dimension import: kg as weight, Converting articleGrossWeight and articleNetWeight to gram

WEMALO-1836 Trackingnummer übermitteln



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