tracking number upload

wemalo offers a manual upload of tracking numbers for some shipping service providers (e.g. GLS). To do this, an upload button is displayed in DockManagement, which can be used to upload a CSV file for the respective shipping service provider.


NOT USED;Client Order Number;Tracking Number;NOT USED(Optional);NOT USED(Optional)

Please note: the first column is not used, but must still be filled (the import only goes to columns 2 and 3).


21.09.2017;test 2;123456789;wemalo customer;1030
21.09.2017;7531;987654321;Max Mustermann;1170

Where only the second and third columns are used!


Insert tracking number e-mail at WooCommerce

Our WooCommerce plugin writes the tracking number into the order field tracking_number. It is possible that an order consists of several packages and that the tracking numbers are separated by commas in the field.

In addition, the carrierfield is used to enter the shipping service provider (e.g. DHL, DPD, etc.) with which the parcel was sent.

You can use the template customer-completed-order.phpto set the template for sending e-mails. Via the admin menu WooCommerce- > Settings- >E-Mails the template file can be adapted into the template and over it afterwards.

The tracking numbers could be displayed in the file e.g. above the footer, i.e. directly above:

 * @hooked WC_Emails::email_footer() Output the email footer
do_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', $email );

The following code excerpt reads out the tracking numbers and shows them as DHL link in the e-mail. For production use, you would also have to read out the carrier at this point and put the link together accordingly depending on the carrier.

$post_id = $order->ID;
echo "tracking number for $post_id ";
$tn = get_post_meta($post_id, "tracking_number");
if ($tn) {
 $numbers = explode(',', $tn[0]);
 if ($numbers) {
 foreach ($numbers as $code) {
 echo '<a href=""'.$code.'>'.$code.'</a><br/>';

 * @hooked WC_Emails::email_footer() Output the email footer
do_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', $email );