Create stock transport orders

Via „Warehouse management – > Stock transfer“ you can create new „Stock transfer orders“.


Click the „Display“ icon in the „Actions“ column.

Using the „Filter“ function, you can restrict the displayed entries.

You can use the „Filter“ function to restrict the entries displayed.

Process stock transport orders2

Mit der Funktion „Filter“ können Sie die angezeigten Einträge einschränken. You can also enter the barcode number manually.

Confirm your entry.


Now the articles deposited to the barcode are indicated to you on the storage space.

In the column „Actions“ enter the quantity of the articles and then click on „Add all“.

Edit stock transport orders4_Select_products

You will now be prompted to specify the new „destination location“ of the item or to scan its barcode.

Then click on „Move“ to save the order.

Process stock transport orders5_Select_storage_location_store


Create packaging material

Via „Configuration- >Packaging material- > New packaging material“ you get to a list with all known „packaging materials“.

Tab_Configuration_Packaging material


„Name“ is the only mandatory field, all other fields are optional.


Finally, click Save to save the new record.



tie forms to a warehouse

Via „Master data- > Form master data“ you can assign documents, such as barcode forms, to a warehouse.

Tab_Master data_Form master data

To do this, select a warehouse.

Warehouse_Form_Data_Select Warehouse

In the following list, you can store documents for each „template type“ with the „Upload file“ button.


Select the appropriate file from your file system.

The newly uploaded documents are listed in the „Uploaded“ column after the respective template type.


Please note that uploading a file may take some time. In the lower left corner of the browser window you can see the progress bar during the upload.

loading status

Edit warehouse position

Via Master data- >Warehouse master data, you reach a list with all available warehouses.

Tab_Master data_Warehouse master data

In the „Actions“ column there is a yellow button which you can use to edit the position of the respective warehouse.


Sie werden nun zur „Positionen“-Maske weitergeleitet.You will now be redirected to the „Positions“ screen.


You can use the „Filter“ function at the top left to restrict the „stock items“ displayed.


In the „Action“ column, click the „Edit“ button for a specific „Stock item“ to be able to edit it.


The field „Position name“ must be filled, the remaining fields may remain empty. The „Barcode“ field cannot be overwritten.


After you have modified a record, click „Edit“ to save it.

Create products

Via „Master data- > product master data“ you can access all known products.

Tab_Master data_product master data

Via „Create new product“ you can create products that are not yet listed.


First select a „client“.

For each new product a „SKU“ (article number) must be entered, the remaining fields may remain empty.


Scroll all the way down to save the new record.
